Note: Scoring of VCF files with CADD v1.7 is rather slow if many new variants need to be calculated from scratch, i.e. if thousands of insertion/deletion or multinucleotide subsitutions are included in one scoring request. If you need to calculate scores from scratch for thousands of variants, please consider using the offline scoring scripts from CADD and setting up an internal scoring for your site/institution.

Some users have reported truncated downloads from the US site. We do not see these truncations from the German server. We find that files are being truncated while downloading in Chrome and Edge (to exactly 64 KB on disk, or 63.7KB byte size), but are complete when downloading with Firefox or wget. If you encounter this issue, please use an alternative way of downloading your result files. Very sorry for the inconvenience. We currently do not know how to fix the issue on our side.

CADD scores are freely available for all non-commercial applications. If you are planning on using them in a commercial application, please obtain a license. If you have questions, please contact us.

Due to the large file sizes, we highly recommend a download manager or another tool that allows you to continue interrupted downloads (e.g. wget -c). Note that the latest versions also have a separate download option via the install script.

CADD v1.7 [release notes]

Offline scoring scripts for v1.7

Scripts and README for offline installation file (701K)

Genome build GRCh38 / hg38

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 US | DE (81G) US | DE (2.6M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 incl. all annotations US | DE (625G) US | DE (2.7M)
All gnomAD release 4.0 InDels (from genomes only) to initiate a local setup US | DE (1.2G) US | DE (1.8M)
All gnomAD release 4.0 InDels (from genomes only) incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (11G) US | DE (2.6M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All GRCh38 annotations required for offline installation US | DE (336G)

Genome build GRCh37 / hg19

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (79G) US | DE (2.6M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (562G) US | DE (2.7M)
Liftover gnomAD v4 InDels (from genomes and exomes) to initiate a local setup US | DE (1.4G) US | DE (1.9M)
Liftover gnomAD v4 InDels (from genomes and exomes) incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (10G) US | DE (2.5M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All GRCh37 annotations required for offline installation US | DE (261G)

CADD-splice: v1.6 [release notes]

Offline scoring scripts for v1.6

Scripts and README for offline installation file (360K)

Genome build GRCh38 / hg38

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 US | DE (81G) US | DE (2.6M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 incl. all annotations US | DE (313G) US | DE (2.7M)
All gnomad release 3.0 InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (1.1G) US | DE (1.8M)
All gnomad release 3.0 InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (7.2G) US | DE (2.5M)
All gnomad release 3.0 SNVs US | DE (5.9G) US | DE (2.4M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All GRCh38 annotations required for offline installation US | DE (206G)

Genome build GRCh37 / hg19

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (78G) US | DE (2.6M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (248G) US | DE (2.6M)
48M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (591M) US | DE (1.7M)
48M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (3.5G) US | DE (2.4M)
All gnomAD SNVs (release 2.1.1) US | DE (2.3G) US | DE (2.0M)
All gnomAD InDels (release 2.1.1) US | DE (387M) US | DE (1.6M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All GRCh37 annotations required for offline installation US | DE (129G)

Developmental release: v1.5 [release notes]

Offline scoring scripts for v1.4 and v1.5

Scripts and README for offline installation file (360K)

Genome build GRCh38 / hg38

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 US | DE (80G) US | DE (2.7M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 incl. all annotations US | DE (292G) US | DE (2.7M)
80M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (948M) US | DE (1.8M)
80M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (6.8G) US | DE (2.4M)
All BRAVO/TOPMed variants (freeze 5) US | DE (5.5G) US | DE (2.4M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All annotations required for offline installation US | DE (168G)

Genome build GRCh37 / hg19

No new model was generated, please use CADD v1.4 for GRCh37.

Developmental release: v1.4 [release notes]

Genome build GRCh38 / hg38

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 US | DE (79G) US | DE (2.7M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh38/hg38 incl. all annotations US | DE (323G) US | DE (2.7M)
80M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (948M) US | DE (1.8M)
80M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (8.8G) US | DE (2.5M)
All BRAVO/TOPMed variants (freeze 5) US | DE (5.5G) US | DE (2.4M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All GRCh38 annotations required for offline installation US | DE (194G)

Genome build GRCh37 / hg19

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (78G) US | DE (2.6M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (231G) US | DE (2.6M)
48M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (588M) US | DE (1.6M)
48M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (3.3G) US | DE (2.2M)
All gnomAD variants (release 2.0.1) US | DE (2.7G) US | DE (2.1M)
MD5Sums US | DE
All GRCh37 annotations required for offline installation US | DE (98G)

Developmental release: v1.3 [release notes]

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
1000 phase 3 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (885M) US | DE (1.8M)
1000 phase 3 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (6.1G) US | DE (2.5M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (450M) US | DE (1.6M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (3.3G) US | DE (2.4M)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (22M) US | DE (524K)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (224M) US | DE (632K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.3) US | DE (108M) US | DE (592K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.3) incl. annotation US | DE (954M) US | DE (811K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (2.6M) US | DE (408K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (33M) US | DE (476K)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (80G) US | DE (2.7M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (344G) US | DE (2.7M)
20M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (268M) US | DE (1.6M)
20M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (1.6G) US | DE (2.3M)
All annotation tracks required for offline installation of v1.3 US | DE (206G)
Update of the primate WGA data required for offline installation of v1.3 US | DE (3.1G)
Scripts and README for offline installation US | DE (132K)
MD5Sums US | DE

Developmental release: v1.2 [release notes]

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (79G) US | DE (2.7M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (342G) US | DE (2.7M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (449M) US | DE (1.7M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (3.3G) US | DE (2.4M)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (22M) US | DE (532K)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (224M) US | DE (650K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.2) US | DE (108M) US | DE (609K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.2) incl. annotation US | DE (954M) US | DE (811K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (2.6M) US | DE (418K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (33M) US | DE (493K)
20M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (267M) US | DE (1.6M)
20M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (1.6G) US | DE (2.3M)
All annotation tracks required for offline installation US | DE (206G)
Scripts and README for offline installation US | DE (132K)
MD5Sums US | DE

Developmental release: v1.1 [release notes]

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (80G) US | DE (2.7M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (279G) US | DE (2.7M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (449M) US | DE (1.6M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (3.3G) US | DE (2.4M)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (22M) US | DE (524K)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) incl. all annotations US | DE (224M) US | DE (628K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.1) US | DE (111M) US | DE (592K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.1) incl. annotation US | DE (955M) US | DE (800K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (2.6M) US | DE (408K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (33M) US | DE (476K)
14M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (194M) US | DE (1.6M)
14M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (1.1G) US | DE (2.1M)
All annotation tracks required for offline installation US | DE (206G)
Scripts and README for offline installation US | DE (132K)
MD5Sums US | DE

Published version: v1.0

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (79G) US | DE (2.7M)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 incl. all annotations US | DE (218G) US | DE (2.7M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (445M) US | DE (1.7M)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (22M) US | DE (643K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.1) US | DE (113M) US | DE (609K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.1) incl. annotation US | DE (656M) US | DE (778K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.3) US | DE (105M) US | DE (609K)
Exome Aggregation Consortium variants (r0.3) incl. annotation US | DE (643M) US | DE (778K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (2.7M) US | DE (404K)
12.3M InDels to initiate a local setup US | DE (162M) US | DE (1.7M)
12.3M InDels incl. all annotations to initiate a local setup US | DE (648M) US | DE (2.1M)
MD5Sums US | DE

Earlier developmental release version: v0.5

Description Link (Size) Tabix Index (Size)
All possible SNVs of GRCh37/hg19 US | DE (77G) US | DE (2.7M)
1000 Genome variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (448M) US | DE (1.7M)
ESP6500 variants (SNVs and InDels) US | DE (21M) US | DE (643K)
SNV variants on Illumina Exome BeadChip US | DE (2.5M) US | DE (400K)
MD5Sums US | DE